Now It's Coming
It's coming - hard, fast and enthusiastically
I feel it, welling up, demanding to escape like a pent up bull-rider
Intelligent words SCREAM to be freed of their confines
And laid to rest on patiently vacant paper
or at least dramatically expelled into the etheric digital world
I'll release those witty words soon enough
Time's ticking after all and the pressure's really on
I've been stewing these inspired verbo-concoctions for days
They're sure to find their way out any minute now
Hands poised above keyboard, tea at hand, animals fed
But wait ...
I'm hungry.
No, I'm achey
OK, actually I'm horny
How can I be expected to work like this?
I'll eat - no, I've just done that
I'll have a hot shower - no, I've done that too
I'll masturbate - ummm... I wouldn't admit to that here!
OK - I'll be able to think better if I vacuum the house.
Walk the dog.
Call a friend.
Check my horoscope.
Check my email (oh, done that already)
Post a poem about not writing
...(You are hereby found guilty of 'Blogitism': Blogging your life instead of living it)
Put on a CD.
OK - I'll put on a CD and that's it. After that, the buck stops here.
If I chant the mantra three times, it should work:
When I hear the Chieftans, I will be a creative genius
When I hear the Chieftans, I will be a creative genius
When I hear the Chieftans, I will be a creative genius.
I will write, and I will write until there is nothing left to say.
They will give me my graduate degree and I will attend the ceremony this time
And I will be promoted, make more than 100K, get the guy and have 2.5 kids.
On my mark,
Get set,