Thursday, May 05, 2005


The real me lies in waiting, hidden underneath heaps of procrastination, mediocrity and self-absorption. I turn my back on it daily, accepting my own limitations like badly applied tattoos, just part of the barren landscape of my personality (but not my soul). I ache with a dull awareness of my own exceptional potential, and my own reluctance to move beyond the status quo. I cling to my faults, wearing these old sweaters, so comfortable and frumpy.

I'm not a complete fool though - I know I'm selling myself short. Why not gather my strength and get honest about the places I still take refuge in to avoid reality? There's no reason that tomorrow has to be the same as today - I'm under no obligation to continue to pay homage to my limitations. I deserve more.

I trust the universe to show me the way to my highest potential and I place my faith in my own ability to release the real me. It's there somewhere - it HAS to be there!

Leaving the old me behind, I open my sphere of reality. I say YES to something more.


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