Tuesday, July 12, 2005


emotions orbit, like shards of broken glass
some reflecting light, casting rainbows and dreams
others approaching with menace

Terrifying randomness

lost in a wash of chaos
surrounded, engulfed, permeated
swimming in a limitless ocean
so many different currents,
interrupting, interacting, interfacing

at times, gazing down from distant clouds
watching the dance - a voyeur
intrigued, baffled, amazed

............such complexity


Blogger Action Randall said...

Ah, you gotta love chaos. Are you a chaos girl?

6:12 AM  
Blogger Mindfull said...

I'm not sure that I'm into chaos all that much, but it sure the hell is into me lately. It's never truly random though! Just unpredictable...

But, to be a bit more honest, I probably DO live my life with a bit of a "management by chaos" kind of approach.... Like I never pay my bills at a certain time, just when they get too big or when someone phones or when I get a lot of money. I hate routine and resist imposed structure.

It makes people nervous. I can't believe I even have a job...

11:47 PM  

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